The Content
User centered design, which is mostly usability, information architecture, contextual inquiry. I also post on what interests me. Very little personal stuff: I have no desire to make my personal life public.
About the Name
I've always liked haiku. I bought some years back, and decided to use it in May of 2002.
Yes, I have poetry posted. Writing unrhymed poetry is like playing tennis with the net down, so I'm rhyming now. If nothing else, it makes me less verbose, because writing (meaningful) rhyming poetry takes exponentially longer than free verse. Except haiku, which takes me forever.
About Chad Lundgren
I design web sites, and have been on the Internet since 1991. I have two Bachelors degrees: English, and Political Science. I'm married to Karen Lundgren.
Zen Haiku Style Guidelines
On any site I have say over, "web site" is two words, and I prefer the logical, or British quoting style, in which punctuation is typically outside the quote. This is not normal English graduate behavior, but I consider myself a geek first, and an English graduate second.
- User centered design
- Science fiction
- Women
- Poetry - often inspired by women
- Linguistics, especially sociolinguistics
(scroll for some tasty graphs) - Privacy and free speech issues
- Humor
- Photography
- Science news
Favorite Quote from a Woman
"I don't know what I want, but not that."
—Said back when I started out as a web designer and foolishly presented only one layout to a client
Favorite Onion Headline
Wrong Midriff Bared
Chad Lundgren's Resume