Funny error message
So I'm reading some science news about John Gottman and Robert Levenson, who have developed a mathematical model to predict with a 80% or higher accuracy rate whether a marriage will last. Interesting stuff: essentially, in marriages that last, positive interactions outnumber negative ones by a 5 to 1 ratio or more, creating a sort of bank of postive feeling to help couples recover from the inevitable arguments.
So I want to read an actual paper, but am having no luck on the Gottman Institute web site getting from an abstract page to a paper. After several tries, I click on this abstract and read it, then try to go to the actual journal page.
The error message I get is "You have entered a phrase that is too generic. Please try again."
What? Running a web site like Zen Haiku, I understand why the link went stale, but that's still an awfully strange error message.
Posted by Chad Lundgren on Tuesday, March 16, 2004 (Link)
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