Insult Ads
So had an article I wanted to read, but a Flash ad with Don Rickles shilling for some Vegas tie-in popped up, covering the content.
How appropriate that an insult comedian appears in this ad. I wrote a while back complaining about this kind of ad and received a reply saying, Yahoo's doing it, the ad market's soft, we have to.
Nathan Shedroff's excellent article Computer Human Values asks "...What type of person is your interface most like? Is it helpful or boorish?" A site devoted to Rickles—The Hockey Puck—plays a sound file at you.
I'm going to start calling these obnoxious Flash ads "Insult Ads".
Posted by Chad Lundgren on Tuesday, June 25, 2002 (Link)
Posted by Roslee Wednesday, July 3, 2002 at 04:22 AM
Regarding advertisements in general, especially
as apply to the american woman, I have written a
haiku for you, Chad. Advertising and it's "role-
modeling" for women to be thin and perfect has
always been a sore spot for me. I used to write
letteres to the editors of various modern women's
magazines about the encouragement of eating disorders,
self-abuse, self-hate that the media surrounds us
all with. Only got one published, though in a
shortened, edited form in NEW WOMAN. At least they
did include my verbal slap on the hand.'s haiku to you!
conditioned response
the unconscious dialogues
believing the lies
Wrote this just to post here on
Posted by Chad Lundgren Wednesday, July 3, 2002 at 06:06 PM
Good post. You're the first person to contribute a haiku.
Excellent point about insulting ads. I think the media is not only continuing with its harassment of women, it's starting to do the same thing to men. How many men look like those Calvin Klein six-pack guys? I've heard it called an Adonis complex.
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