Slightly Belated New Year's Resolutions
1. Stop using the form "The Usability of X" in the titles of my posts to the web log.
2. Stop using Internet Explorer altogether, except for compatiblity testing. The only thing holding me back a bit: iespell. Does anyone know of an equivalent for Phoenix/Mozilla 1? I couldn't find one on google. I'm finding Phoenix 0.5 stable enough to use as a primary browser.
3. Read more of Donna M's blog. Engaging writing, good information architecture stuff.
4. Put together an actual links page instead of a just a side bar.
5. Start a campaign to end the silly New Year's Resolution idea.
Posted by Chad Lundgren on Friday, January 3, 2003 (Link)
Posted by Rotwang Monday, January 6, 2003 at 09:56 AM
I compose weblog postings in my word processor because:
a) The word processor auto-corrects spelling. It's a snap to CTRL-A, CTRL-C then open my word processor and CTRL-V to spell check.
b) I sometimes decide to close my browser session and resume my message at a later time.
I compose lengthy e-mails in the same manner. While I can store draft e-mails in my e-mail client's "outgoing" folder (without sending them), I would sometimes absentmindedly send the draft e-mails when I opened my e-mail client at a later time.
Posted by Donna Maurer Thursday, January 9, 2003 at 04:18 AM
Hey...thanks ;)
(I had a bummer of a day today - very tiring and some conflict at work - and this was really nice to read)
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